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Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
At the end of course, the student will be able to understand
CO 1 Demonstrate basic concepts, principles and challenges in IoT. K1,K2
CO 2 Illustrate functioning of hardware devices and sensors used for IoT. K2
CO 3 Analyze network communication aspects and protocols used in IoT. K4
CO 4 Apply IoT for developing real life applications using Ardunio programming. K3
 CP 5 To develop IoT infrastructure for popular applications K2, K3
                                                           DETAILED SYLLABUS 
Unit                 Topic                                                                                                         ProposedLecture

I  Internet of Things (IoT): Vision, Definition, Conceptual Framework,
Architectural view, technology behind IoT, Sources of the IoT, M2M
Communication, IoT Examples. Design Principles for Connected Devices:
IoT/M2M systems layers and design standardization, communication technologies,
data enrichment and consolidation, ease of designing and affordability

II Hardware for IoT: Sensors, Digital sensors, actuators, radio frequency
identification (RFID) technology, wireless sensor networks, participatory sensing
technology. Embedded Platforms for IoT: Embedded computing basics, Overview
of IOT supported Hardware platforms such as Arduino, NetArduino, Raspberry pi,
Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo boards and ARM cortex.

III Network & Communication aspects in IoT: Wireless Medium access issues,
MAC protocol survey, Survey routing protocols, Sensor deployment & Node
discovery, Data aggregation & dissemination

 IV Programming the Ardunio: Ardunio Platform Boards Anatomy, Ardunio IDE,
coding, using emulator, using libraries, additions in ardunio, programming the
ardunio for IoT.

 V Challenges in IoT Design challenges: Development Challenges, Security
Challenges, Other challenges IoT Applications: Smart Metering, E-health, City
Automation, Automotive Applications, home automation, smart cards,
communicating data with H/W units, mobiles, tablets, Designing of smart street
lights in smart city.

Text books:
 1. Olivier Hersent,DavidBoswarthick, Omar Elloumi“The Internet of Things key applications and
protocols”, willey
 2. Jeeva Jose, Internet of Things, Khanna Publishing House
 3. Michael Miller “The Internet of Things” by Pearson
 4. Raj Kamal “INTERNET OF THINGS”, McGraw-Hill, 1ST Edition, 2016
5. ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti “Internet of Things (A hands on approach)” 1ST edition, VPI
6. Adrian McEwen,Hakin Cassimally “Designing the Internet of Things” Wiley India